Crafty Chemistry - Q&A with HSC Chemistry legend Scott Hazelton

Crafty Chemistry - Q&A with HSC Chemistry legend Scott Hazelton

Otto Sargent, Marketing Coordinator - Edrolo

Scott’s the name, Chem’s the game - meet Scott Hazelton, our extraordinary Edrolo HSC Chemistry presenter! With 20 years of experience both teaching and assessing for HSC Chemistry, he is a treasure trove for exam strategy and mastering difficult concepts. Taking countless students to Band 6 results, leading his school as an Assistant Principal, there isn’t much he can’t do! Find out more about Edrolo’s HSC Chemistry legend here. 

How would your students describe you?

You really probably should ask them! However, feedback suggests they really enjoy the way I can explain very complex things in easily accessible ways. I find ways to use real life examples to illustrate a chemical concept to make it understandable. A bit of humour and a genuine connection with teenagers helps. They can see I'm not a phony, but genuinely enjoy interacting with young adults and not giving up until I can see they've 'got it'. 

If you were stranded on a desert island, and you could take one thing from each of the following categories with you, what would they be?

Meal:  Seafood Chilli Pizza.  

Movie/tv show: Breaking Bad.

Music (band or album): Anything Bruce Springsteen.

What makes you excited about HSC Chemistry?

Chemistry is a subject that has that 'wow' factor. Prospective universities and employers see Chemistry as a sign that a student tackled one of the legitimately challenging subjects and as a result is likely to be aspirational and hard working. Chemistry simply opens doors for students. 

What led you to choose HSC Chemistry as your teaching specialisation?

It sort of chose me! I was good at organic chemistry in uni and ended up majoring in it. There are so many concepts in the subject that require analogies to explain them conceptually and I really enjoy that. 

Where would students use the skills they gain from studying HSC Chemistry in 'real life'?

It's the queen of the sciences and is very far reaching. The obvious one is that they'll use it directly if they end up in a science/medical field. However, in my day-to-day life I love how it helps me understand general aspects of life. From why hand sanitiser was critical during COVID, to the fermentation of sugars, to understanding why gutters rust or PVC pipes crack and how to prevent it. Chemistry explains so much of the 'DIY' phenomena and much more. 

In your experience, what do students find the most challenging about HSC Chemistry, and how do you support them with this?

Students get lost in the questions. The first battle is working out what the question actually wants them to find. So many good students get to work on the mathematical aspect of a question without having a clear understanding of where they're supposed to go. I am able to help them road map exactly where they need to FINISH in order to help them START in the right place. 

What do you see as a key benefit for students and/or teachers in using Edrolo?

Let's face it, not every school is able to provide HSC teachers who have extensive first hand experience in what it takes to perform at HSC Examination level. As an Edrolo presenter, all of the content I've made for students is specifically designed to show what's needed to perform in the HSC. 

What's the funniest thing that's ever happened in your classroom?

We have a LOT of fun and I'm known for my silly songs and rhymes to help memorise content. There are also a few moments that fall under the 'what happens in chemistry stays in chemistry' vault.

However, the funniest single event that can be shared was probably the time we were learning about expansion of gases and we set up a fort out of desks in the middle of the room with some dry ice in a sealed soft drink bottle. When it blew up, it ended up blowing the blind off the window and setting off the fire alarm just as the principal was walking past with a new family touring the school. At one moment they were looking at a closed blind, the next second the blind was missing and the whole class were seen hiding under desks in lab coats with me poking the bottle with a broom handle. 

If you weren't a teacher, what would you be?

A musician in Bruce Springsteen's band. 

Best and worst things about teaching?

Best: Spending time with teenagers. 

Worst: All the admin that has crept in. 

What's your Roman Empire? 

I'm currently building a 2 bedroom cottage from scratch. I love thinking about and planning each stage of the build. 

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