Using theory and teacher slides to boost learning in Year 7 Science

Steph Sheehan - Year 7 School Engagement Associate, Edrolo

Edrolo Year 7 Science has everything you need for a winning lesson, including clear and concise theory written for middle years students, as well as fully editable teacher slides to save time. Here are some quick tips to get students engaged and loving Science with Edrolo - from our community of teachers.

Teachers are using the written theory:

  • as summary material to refer back to after explicit teaching of concepts
  • for students to revise in the lead up to assessment tasks
  • as shared reading for some lessons, especially to support students with lower literacy to access the content.

Make the most of the editable teacher slides by:

  • projecting and teaching from the slides, with students recording notes in their notebooks. Teachers can build in interaction (even a bit of competition) by giving students cards or mini-whiteboards to answer the embedded questions
  • picking and choosing the slides that you want to cover, focus on, and, if you need to, make tweaks to these for your students
  • flipping learning and making time for student interaction- ask students to work through the slides before class, and to come with 3 questions each to ask each other, and/or to self-rate their confidence with the content. You could then pick a handful of trickier questions to work through in class. Take it a step further by getting a few students up front to be in the ‘hot seat’ - to get quizzed by the class. This can create time to dig deeper into content, get students interacting and talking about the content, while developing their independent learning skills.

Lisa Williams, Head of Science at Lavalla Catholic College in Victoria, shares how she is using Edrolo Year 7 Science.

We use the Edrolo resource in a variety of ways to keep students engaged. The resource is great because everything is in the one place, and there is a real focus on embedding skills within the content. We do shared reading from the textbook for some lessons, which supports our students with low literacy to access the concepts. Teachers project the powerpoint slides and have students write down their notes and answers to activities in their book.

Using Edrolo Year 7 Science and keen to explore more? Check out our recent Year 7 Edrolo Science webinars on Setting up for Success and Data and Differentiation

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